Sunday, February 20, 2005

In our household, Ice Tea is the beverage of choice

Thursday, February 10, 2005


My name is Sprocket. I'm a chill cat. I think I could really get into hanging with Chloe. We're both pretty built and pretty sociable.


I'm Weeble. I'm a little more on the skittish side (like Ari) and very lovey. I'd love to come visit Chloe and Ari but I can't stand to get near a cat carrier. They'll have to come visit us here.

DJ Shinycats

These are our friends Weeble and Sprocket. They are the cats of the famous DJ – DJ Shinypants!!! Our person sometimes visits Weeble and Sprocket and we have entertained DJ Shinypants here, but us cats have never been able to meet in the fur. We are forced to have a virtual friendship. Apparently they live in a house with three floors and outdoor access and they have this AWESOME lounge where their DJ person likes to spin records. We could get into THAT. Hopefully, we can all meet up one day, although it would be quite a hike to travel the 3.5 miles to get to the Shinypants pad. DJ Shinypants spins at Wonderland the third Saturday of each month. One day we will all meet there!

Tuesday, February 01, 2005

Ari with the Cat Dancer

The cat dancer rocks!! Even Chloe will get up to play. The New York Times calls it "Nordic Track for Cats." We see this as a great addition to our home gym.

Chloe with the Wooley Bully

Our person has been showering us with gifts and extra attention lately. I think she's trying to make up for torturing me with trips to the Vet and all those drugs. As a result, we scored a couple new toys. Here I am with my new mouse toy made of natural sheep's wool, the Wooley Bully.