Friday, October 29, 2004

This is Spooky! He visits us around this time each year. Spooky sings that he's "just an alley cat... all i want is to be left a-loooooone..i always feel like somebody's watching me...". Our Person seems to get particular enjoyment out of Spooky's antics...

Monday, October 25, 2004

No big surprise here.. we are endorsing John Kerry for President! Those Bush ads with the wolves in them really freaked us out.. and we don't want to even think about being around our Person if Kerry does not win!

THIS is one of my main pet peeves! When the person closes the bathroom door! How am i supposed to get to the litter box?

Monday, October 18, 2004

Happy Birthday Ari!

Today Ari celebrates his 6th birthday! I remember when they brought little Aristotle home from his birth family. He was so small he could fit in a human pocket. Boy how he loved to chase that silly pen with the light. The years have gone by so quickly. All in all, I'm glad they brought him home. He's been a great little brother and playmate. C

Ari's birthday surprise.

I love to sit on the purple couch when I surf the internet or work on my blog. I was shopping for catnip when my person snapped this photo.

Saturday, October 16, 2004

Here we are relaxin' together, unusual for us, on a saturday afternoon with our person (on the purple couch!)

Friday, October 15, 2004

This is a picture of me, Ari, rubbing my face against a table.. I like to do that...I'm not too into the picture taking but I thought I should have one on the blog...

Thats me Chloe resting after a long tough morning....I'm on the purple couch! yah!